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Union 101

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What is a union?

A union is an organized group of workers, in this case all Eastern Flight Attendants, who unite to use collective power to demand and achieve fair pay and benefits, safe working conditions,  and advance any other issues that affect our jobs and quality of life. The Flight Attendant Union’s mission statement includes, "it is a core value of AFA-CWA to promote economic and social justice for all workers through education and action."

How do Unions Work?

Unions are democratic. The collective power of all workers standing together gives us standing, leverage, and legal protections none of us have alone. We have our own voice and ability to stand up for our safety, pay, benefits, job security and respect on the job that simply does not exist when management holds all the cards and has unilateral ability to change the terms of our employment at any time.

We need to build power with the pilots, controllers, mechanics, ramp, and every career worker at Delta to make sure our airline stays accountable to the people who make it a success every day and the passengers who faithfully travel with us.

Management comes and goes with their millions, whether the company succeeds or not. With our union we also have the power to hold management accountable for decisions they make that impact the long term success of the airline. And, we will get our fair share of the profits we help create.

Do other Flight Attendants have unions?

Nearly all Flight Attendants in the United States have chosen to be union members. The majority are AFA members.

What about dues?

There are no dues until you have a ratified contract! Once there is a contract the dues are $25 per paycheck.